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Alumnae posing for a group photo.

Alumnae Association Holds Reunion Weekend

By Emily Parker

Alumnae Association Holds
Reunion Weekend

By Emily Parker

The Alumnae Association was pleased to welcome alumnae back to campus on October 8-9, 2021, for Alumnae Reunion Weekend. Because of COVID-19, the 2020 and 2021 May reunions were postponed, so this event combined alumnae classes ending in 0, 5, 1, and 6.

The weekend opened with the Golden Oaks Luncheon, which was held in the courtyard. Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 were officially inducted into the Golden Oaks Society, which marks 50 years since graduating from Meredith. President Jo Allen welcomed these alumnae home to Meredith, and her remarks highlighted the years the Classes of 1970 and 1971 spent at Meredith as well as their personal and professional accomplishments over the past 50 years.

“As you return to campus this weekend, you will see that much has changed at our beloved alma mater in the 50 and 51 years since your graduation. As you sit here today, I imagine you are asking yourselves where did the time go?” Allen said.

Reunion photos by Dylan Cook

President Allen’s remarks detailed campus life during their student experience, historical events, political happenings, the space race, popular TV shows, and songs from their senior year. To demonstrate the personal and professional accomplishments of these two 50th reunion classes, her remarks noted secondary degrees and professional degrees, careers, volunteer roles, and special awards and recognitions.

“All of this really goes to show that you can do just about anything with a liberal arts degree. Through your pursuits, achievements, honors, and service, you demonstrate that Meredith College has always been Going Strong and on the forefront of educating women to excel,” said Allen. “Not only have you given much to Meredith and one another, but you have certainly left your mark on your families, careers, and community.” 

All reunion classes were invited to attend a Friday party held in the courtyard featuring The Entertainers. Alumnae enjoyed the opportunity to dine, dance, mix, and mingle with friends and classmates.

Inclement weather on Saturday morning caused the brunch and State of the College to be canceled. Classes continued to hold their meetings and individual class events around the Raleigh area. Saturday class events were coordinated by class agents with support from the Office of Alumnae Relations. This allowed alumnae another opportunity to gather, celebrate, and reminisce.

“After two postponed reunion weekends, we were happy to be able to host these two reunion groups. After so much lost time, we know it was worth the wait,” said Hilary Allen, ’01, director of the Office of Alumnae Relations. “For many alumnae, they have not returned to campus since their last reunion, which was five or six years ago. And, as you can imagine, alumnae were eager to return to campus as well as reunite with dear friends and classmates. We were excited to see such a great response, and more than anything, so happy to be able to welcome them home again to Meredith.” 

October’s Alumnae Reunion Weekend welcomed alumnae from 32 classes, ranging from the Class of 1951 to the Class of 2021, as well as 15 states, including North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Oregon, Ohio, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Georgia, Texas, Nebraska, and Ohio as well as Washington, D.C.

The next Alumnae Reunion Weekend, which will welcome back those classes ending in 2 or 7, will be held in May 2022. Visit for details.

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