While Meredith Lake is best known as a special location for students and alumnae, it is also home to a range of wildlife. When the lake failed, contractors moved all of the fish to the ponds behind The Oaks apartments. The turtles naturally migrated on their own to streams in the woods behind the lake as well as the ponds behind The Oaks.
Hendrix Receives Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Award
Associate Professor of Mathematics Tim Hendrix is the recipient of the 2022 Nadine Bezuk Excellence in Leadership and Service, which is presented by the national Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).
Site Visits Essential Part of Hospitality Program
Visiting local restaurants, hotels, and attractions are essential lessons for students in Meredith’s Hospitality and Tourism Management Program. During the 2021-22 academic year, students and Program Director Michael Altman have visited a variety of locations including the PNC Arena, Durham Food Hall, the Angus Barn, and The Bradford.
Meredith Student Wins Clorox Case Competition
Jeanine Carryl, ’22, is a computer science major who took a Principles of Marketing course with Assistant Professor of Marketing Lisa Monahan. While researching possible internships for students, Monahan came across the Burt’s Bees Case Competition, sponsored by parent company Clorox, which has an office in Durham.
Meredith Students Show Support for Afghan Refugee Families
In November 2021, the Office of the Chaplain, Sisters United, Meredith International Association, Meredith Immigrant and Refugee Club, and the Student Government Association (SGA) organized a basic household goods drive for Afghan refugee families moving into the Raleigh area.