Learn about Giving Societies at Meredith
By Emily Parker
Learn about Giving Societies at Meredith
By Emily Parker
In addition to the gratifying feeling donors receive when they make a gift to Meredith College, the Office of Institutional Advancement honors donors through several giving societies. These societies fall into two broad categories, annual giving and lifetime giving, and offer recognition to many of the College’s most loyal contributors.
Annual Giving Societies include the Ivy Society for graduates of the last ten years who give monthly; Onyx Society, recognizing donors who give for a minimum of three years consecutively; Iris Society, honoring donors who make annual gifts totaling $1,000 to $4,999; and the Iris Society President’s Circle recognizing donors whose yearly contributions total $5,000 to $24,999.
Similarly, Lifetime Giving Societies allow the College to recognize donors. However, these societies honor giving amounts over a lifetime and using various vehicles such as estate gifts. Lifetime Giving Societies include the Heritage Society, honoring donors who contribute through estates, trusts, insurance policies, or gift annuities; the Stringfield Endowment Society, recognizing donors who give $25,000 or more to an endowed fund; and Thomas Meredith Society, which honors donors at three different levels. Within the Thomas Meredith Society, Bronze Circle honors donors making contributions of $100,000 to $499,999; the Silver Circle honors those making gifts of $500,000 to $999,999; and the Gold Circle honors contributors donating $1 million or more to the College. Meredith College is fortunate to have more than 337 contributors in the Thomas Meredith Society.
Every gift to Meredith College makes a difference. Giving Societies are just one way the College shows appreciation.